Here are a few personal photos to share with you. I also have a separate page of various home remodeling and decorating projects I've done.
Check out my roller coaster page for additional pictures on this website, including pictures from my July 2002 European trip or September 2005 Japan trip.
Home & cars

This is my Audi A4 allroad next to my Z4. I lucked out with the license plate for the A4: COASTER. The previous owner of this plate apparently didn't renew it, so I snapped it up while it was on the available list. For the Z4, the license plate, AIRTIME, is a roller coaster term for rising out of your seat, and it seemed like a good term for a convertible car, too. For the longest time, people simply assumed I worked for a cell phone company. It's only coincidental that I subsequently got jobs working at Cingular Wireless/AT&T and at T-Mobile!